Thursday, December 24, 2009

IT fair

tomorrow IT fair will start.
n i will participate..
somehow my work still in the same state..
start to talking with people without been asking.."jwb bila ditanya.."
migrain...still at my head..
feel like..*&^%%$..hahaha
want to do something that breaking my habit.. :)
getting better..than yesterday... Alhamdulillah..

Monday, December 21, 2009

want it to filled with joy.. but..

as expected my 2nd nephew born earlier than the expected day..
fell glad and thank god both mother n the child were safe..

now my life getting miserable..i dont know what to do..
feel empty n zero..
like useless lil brat..hahaha
trying to make myself happy as ussual..
but it cannot happen..
always want to scream and i cant..
how i want to live like this.
just like malay words : "reda n redha je la"..
i can do both but somehow can effect my surrounding.. just..hard to say now..
feels like loser ..maybe double loser..huhu..
lucky not to be pressure by my family..
but somehow i feel like dissapointed my family and myself..
just see what will happen to me in few weeks..
hope it will be more better than yesterday...not getting worst..hua3

hope can give the best for my friends and myself... :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

life..everybody strugle for the best

macam tajuk kat atas...
semua nak yang terbaik
ada x yang nak terburuk, cam loser??? mesti la xda..huh!!

dengar result orang len, tengok result sendiri
dengar plan orang utk sem dpan, ak sendiri x plan lagi..
nak rehat, nak focus, nak tukar, nak mampos, nak tu, nak ni, nak mcm2 laa..
byk sgt aku dgr....

duk dlm komuniti yg pelbagai ragam yg terdiri dr pelbagai makhluk Allah
mcm2 perangai boleh di lihat..
klu ak list satu2 x abis..

yg focus, teruskan,
yg bagi komitmen terima kasih..
yg nak ngelat, truskan usaha
yg ada repeat 1 paper, klu nak rehat, kluar or nk buat apa pun..buat la apa korang suka dengan idup korang..mlas nak amik peduli..
yg syg kompeni, truskan syg anda..
yg rsa cam winner..bgus..anda seorang yg pandai urus diri anda..
yg rsa cam loser...lek la..prasaan tu akan xtau bila..mungkin x ilang..hahaha LOSER!!
yg repeat byk paper..wat bodo n buat2 kuatkan semangat..tu yg aku le ckp..yg rsa tu xtau la..
yg bru msuk..welcome..
yg keluar awal2..xda pa aku le wat..korang pya pilihan..aku mampu tgk n bg comment dr jauh..
yg suka pass keja tu, bawa2 la taubat..da nak abis pon still lg bagi "taik" kat org bawah
xpa yg dibagi kja tu byk supporter..pandai2la amik tau hal orang bawah..jgn jd "@#$$%".."a@@hole"

sedih, gembira, takut, macam2 aku rasa..
next sem da last utk member2 aku..aku???
xtau la nk jd apa? ada yg dismiss..xnak jd mcm tu..cian mak bapak aku kat kampung..

kalau la badan aku ni boleh di belah 2..
1 aku provide utk fully study.
1 lagi utk "rasa sayang kat komitmen " n support member2..
tapi...... "if u want something, u need to sacrifice something that equivalent" btul x???
ikut situasi la...tapi slalu jd len..hahaha..yg tau tu..tau la..xtau diam2 sda..hahaha

hahaha...showing ur emotions somehow showing ur weakness...
jd duk diam2 tgk perangai orang..
pastu tgk diri sendiri lak~~


my university... canseleri..having a nice view..this pic was taken at 5th sem...going with zu n tipa..
a few days later, we are going to eat rambutan ...hua3

that event~~

in this few days.. becoming more regular to doing my blog...hahaha
dont know what happen to me, but the spirit just come n "layan la"

today i'm having a long talk with zu..talking about my family member and the things that will make an earth quake in my home...hua3
suddenly i'm thinking about my friend named lathipah ahmad...
huhu~~ n talking how to escape from 'that event' hahaha
dont want to be a black sheep...hua3
the others also have the same plan..hehehe
well hope this plan will go..
"xmau ckp ja..buatnya x jd sbb sampai ati"
guys..lets do it!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

duduk menumpang kat tanah orang

bunyi cam pelarian..tapi bukan,
masih rakyat malaysia lagi..
tapi duduk sorang2 kat negeri orang kena pandai bawa diri..
silap langkah, kena fikir jalan penyelesaian..
mak, ayah dan adik beradik semua kat sabah..jauh tu..
skang ni, kenkawan la family ...susah senang, dugaan ujian, semua dorang yang amik tau..sampai markah test ak pun dorang tau..hehehe
dalam banyak2 member ni, suma bawa watak masing2...ada yang aku rasa cam ayah ak, ada yg mcm mak ak, ada yg mcm adik ak..
sem lepas, beli rice cooker dan buat pesta masak2 kat bilik tipah...
bilik tipa, bilik aku gak..hehehe

banyak benda aku blaja kat UITM ni...senior aku pernah cakap "pandai2 la idup"(jern cakap)
sampai skang aku ingat cakap jern...
member azim lak, kjutkan aku dari tidur dengan menampar muka aku..hahaha
dia asyik merungut yang aku ni payah nak bangun..
tipa lagi hebat..asyik "complaint" yang aku ni suka mengigau..merrapu time tido..
1st time aku tdo blik tipa dan cakap time tido.."tipa2, panas2, tolong"
ak xtau pun ak mimpi pa sampai ak ckp camtu tu..
tipa takut dan buka lampu..hahaha
tengok reaksi dia lawak gak..
budak tu kalut kalau aku p kaco..
azri lak...ak slalu guna nama..jual nama dia bagaikan hot stuff..hahaha
zu budak yang positif..aku ni agak negatif..selalu nak marah..
ciken lak..kawan ak wat sengal2..ehehehe skang ni tgh happy dgn lotong wakwak
yang len2 nnt aku citer g..

skang ni rasa "home sick"...
rindu sangat kat family..huhuhu
need to call them.. :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

sabahan language

today i have called my brother n talk in my slang..(sabahan)..people around me looking at me like i'm odd..huhu..
but doesnt care about i care that much..i think they can get that i was sabahan from my slang..hak3
n then one of my allies come n start imitating (mocking) my slang..
not becoming sabahan slang but Indon slang..hahahaha
most of my friend cant speak sabahan slang because of their tounge..
example : lathipah ahmad..her kedah slang very strong..still understood what she is talking about.. but when its come to sabahan slang..each word that come out from her mouth becoming indon slang...hahahahaha..
ni ak sayang tipa lebih...hihihi~~(I'M NOT HOMO/homo wa ja nai)

melayu glokal?? nice name but------ -_-"

sad and feel annoying..
that words can describe me right now..
getting my result and take a look at some people's blog..
this kid (i think in 15-17 years old) have a blog..
the name of her blog is "MELAYU GLOKAL"..
nice name..but the content make me sick..seriously..make you guys sick too..
its not about the political issue..just some "private picture that using a school uniform" that supposely not publish in the blog.. the title of the picture describing the kids..somehow i feel sorry to her parents..huhu
"wat malu mak bapak, bangsa melayu dan sewaktu dengannya"....
well..nothing i can do..just give a comment (give the best sarcastics) huhu~

news ari wat ak sakit ati

mak dibuang anak disebabkan status mak yang pernah jd "hooker" sbb nk jg anak..
mean n cruel..
banyak pendapat boleh dikeluarkan..anak tu malu, tekanan, dan sebagainya......
bg ak, bg pihak ibu yang terdesak, x berfikiran jauh dan x berpendidikan..
jalan mudah adalah jd GRO or "hooker"..
nak buang anak..xsampai ati..jd besarkan la anak guna duit haram...
anak tu bila da besar,pandai lak malu dengan mak dia sendiri..
da tu antar plak mak dia kat rumah kebajikan..
tu namanya "tanggang"
pkir dari sudut halal haram lak..
anak tu jd keras ati sebab rezeki x halal..jd ni la result yg di hadapi oleh pihak ibu.. yg pernah jd "hooker" tu la mak..ko nak buang mak ko pasal status tu..
sdgkan ada sorg hamba Allah yg idup zmn nabi lagi teruk dr situasi ni..
parents hamba Allah ni btukar menjadi babi...!!
hamba Allah ni x ksah n layan parents dia baik2...bukan cam layan binatang!!
ni mungkin pengajaran dari Allah untuk semua..

quranic law of attraction

somehow, this book reveal many things that i never think about..
inspire me to read more books..hua3
some sentences : "you are what you are thinking about..if it is posistive than it was you, if you
think that you are negative than it also you"
moral : think positive more frequently..
make other people around you happy.. Insyaallah by name of god
you also happy....
have you heard that what you give you get back..??
same goes here..give the other happiness..than you also will get happiness.. :)
let past by pass..nothing you can change in past..
take it as lesson..huhu~~

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good sentences

ayat yang baru ak dengar untuk ari ni...
"orang yang ditimpa musibah sebenarnya seorang yang kuat,
cuma kekuatan itu belum disedari oleh orang yang yang mengalami musibah dan menyebabkan
"dia" terasa seperti seorang yang malang.."
Ayat ni buat ak terfikir yang Allah nak menguji hambanya..
kalau difikirkan balik, sama gak dengan kes gagal ujian atau 'exam'..
kalau tak gagal, maka pelajar itu akan terasa dirinya pandai...
kemungkinan akan terjadi.. (1) terus belajar (2) belajar "last minute"(3) tak belajar lansung..
ambil masa dan renungkan.. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

its not always bad as you think!!

today...i learn something very important and can be apply in life...
"it doesnt care how it done, but the most important is the result.."
you can take any path to accomplish your aim..
help other poeple with big heart..what cost it takes you..just open your heart..
make your heart as big as lake..the challenges a salts...once you face a challenge, it just like throwing a salts into the lake..but the lake is not affected by the salts..and just give a life to the others..somehow this make the other creature happy and i'll be happy too.. :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

this week feel like wheel..up and down..

rasa mcm roda..kejap kat atas, kejap kat bawah...
hua3... when you feel like stupid which write her own memory..i dont think so..
for me, writing my own experience on blog is more better..
well..we try and hope for the best..the rest..TAWAKAL lerrr..hehehe

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Once in the blue moon~

This blog were created to store all the memories with my friends..becoz my lptop always give me a big probs and i loss all the, u guys come and create ur own blog and we'll see the progress k.. :)